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Essay: Intrinsic worth in the care sector

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  • Subject area(s): Sociology essays
  • Reading time: 7 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 13 September 2017*
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,853 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 8 (approx)

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In the care sector we are committed to the values and principles that are essential to care, this provides the base for good practice a definition of a value is “that what is worthy of esteem for its own sake, that which has intrinsic worth”. (miller, 2007)

Intrinsic worth can also be known as unconditional positive regard, Carl Rogers is the theorist behind the humanistic approach. One of these elements is unconditional positive regard, by using unconditional positive regard is about admiring the service user for the person they are. By taking into account their values and goals, Rogers believes that professional workers should not judge someone on their behaviour. We should encourage service users to follow their own emotions and acknowledge their dignity, therefore we should make sure the service user feel liked and respected with that the positive regard they show will not affect what someone says or does. (mcilveen, 1998)

One of my personal values is respect and dignity, as I like to be treated as an individual and equally. I learned this value from my parents as I was growing up, I was brought up to respect others and to speak to others how I wanted treated myself. My other value is choice as I like to be able to choose what I eat, when I want to wash or shower, what to wear and what activities without someone saying that I must do what they say. Another value of mine is realising potential, as I am able to attend college to further my education and progress in my career, by making the most of my life and achieving all I can. (Anon., 2011)

Values are learned through the process of socialisation, as we grow up we learn our values within the family structure and some of these can be passed down through generations. Every ones values can differ from one individual to another, depending what is important or not in their life and in some cases this can cause conflict of values. As values can affect the way we think and behave, therefore we should respect each other’s values. In sociology our values are our beliefs, therefore values can be separated into personal and professional values but are not always harmonious. (miller, 2007)

Values can come into conflict as a social care workers values will be different from those of a service user, having an understanding of what’s caused the conflict in the first place will help to resolve the problem between both parties involved. I had a conflict of values with a service user a while back the service user refused to shower or wash every day, this differs from mine as I like to have a shower every day and I know that by having poor hygiene can cause things like skin conditions. But in a professional manner I cannot force the service user to shower or wash every day if this is their values and beliefs. Conflicts can arise for a number of different reasons such as a barrier to communication, conflicts of interests, unexplained or unexpected behaviour and if there has been a history of past conflict. Resolutions of conflict can be resolved in one of three ways, lose-lose where both individuals do not get what they want, win-lose where one individual wins and gets their own way and the other loses and the last scenario is win-win where both individuals win and get what they want this can promote harmonious working relationships. (Anon., 2005)

As a support worker I recognise that my personal values reflect to those stated in the National Care Standards, as I professional worker I must follow these standards when supporting individuals in their own home. The company I work for also have core values that underpin the National Care Standards Care at Home, which are choice, dignity, privacy, safety, realising potential and equality and diversity. These standards where set up by the Regulation of Care Scotland Act 2001, this act was established by the Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care. This act is in place to regulate care and social work the principles set out good practice in care, also under this act professional bodies must be registered and will have their service inspected. The company I work for aim to deliver care to the highest quality, that supports and safe guards service users allowing them to live in their own homes. Another aim is to ensure the service users can lead fulfilled lives by promoting their independence and daily living skills, to promote life opportunities and choice.

What is discrimination it is the unfair treatment of individuals or groups of people, due to their sex, race or age. This unfair treatment is based on someone’s prejudice views these are learned from our socialisation process, either by taking on our parent’s views. Or as we get older and make up our own minds we may have prejudice views that are the same as our friends as we want to fit in with that type of group. There is different types of discrimination which are direct, indirect, institutional and individual discrimination. Direct discrimination is when an employer fires someone who has a protected characteristic or not giving them a job, also the company refusing promotion or training. Indirect discrimination can happen when someone has a condition, policy or procedure in the work place that affects everyone but disadvantages those with a protected characteristic. Institutional discrimination on race or ethnic groups, individual discrimination is where others get treated differently again this can be due to race or ethnic group. (Anon., 2015)

Anti-discriminatory practice is when there is measures in place to stop discrimination against an individual’s disability, race, gender and class. By promoting anti discriminatory practice enables the service user to be safe from harm and abuse, therefore they will feel safe in the environment that they live in. As a support worker in the care sector it is important that I have an understanding of what discrimination is and how I promote anti-discriminatory practice, how I promote this is I always put my service user at the centre of the service they are receiving. I make sure that their needs are being met and goals being achieved, I provide the service user with correct information so they can make informed choices about the care they get. I also let the service user make their own decisions I do not choose from them, when with a service user I never talk over them I always give my full attention when providing care and support to individuals. As a support worker I have a duty of responsibility to challenge discrimination as part of anti-discriminatory practice, therefore I can protect service users from harm and abuse there is legislation in place that provides a framework this is Equality Act 2010. (Anon., 2005)

The is another three values that underpin anti-discriminatory practice these are privacy which allows the service user to have their own space, if service user is on the phone dealing with a personal issue then the carer should leave the room it is a service users human rights to be allowed privacy. Safety by allowing the service user to feel and secure in all aspects of their life and the final one is equality and diversity where the service user is valued for their ethnic background, culture or faith. With equality every support worker has the duty to be aware and sensitive to all individuals needs whatever their differences or background is, Social justice is that every individual has the right to fair and equal treatment within society, also to promote social welfare of every individual. The welfare should make sure that whoever needs care should be able to improve their own situation through the right of social justice which gives them rights to services and benefits this is another way to promote anti-discriminatory practice. (miller, 2007)

There is legislation in place to promote anti-discriminatory practice,

Equality Act 2010: this piece of legislation as 9 protected characteristics which are age, marriage or civil partnership, disability, religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, pregnancy and transgender
. The Equality Act came into law in October 20
10 and has replaced nine main pieces of legislation, such as Race Relations Act 1976, The Equal Pay Act 1970, The Sex Discrimination Act 1975, The Disability Discrimination Act 1995, The Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003, The Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003, The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006, The Equality Act 2006, Part 2, The Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007. This piece of legislation came into place to protect individuals from discrimination within the work place, education, access to goods and services and the exercise of public functions, and membership of clubs and associations. This legislation also enforces procedures to help individuals to voice their rights, also has an obligation to make fair changes for those who have disabilities. (Anon., 2015)

Data Protection Act 1998: this was first composed in 1984 and was updated in and under this legislation there is eight principles which set the legal framework to this legislation, therefore data cannot be abused. These principles ensures good practice which reinforces the act, when dealing with someone’s personal information it is important that everyone using personal data abides by the rules these include making the data stored securely and not transferred to other countries, only kept for a period of time, adequate and relevant, accurate, processed fairly within the law. Also gives an individual the right to know what information is held about them, however information can be withheld if it is going to affect someone’s mental health. It is important that I maintain confidentiality when handling a service user’s personal information, which is held securely on a computer that will be password protected. (shiner, 2011)

NHS Community Care Scotland Act 1990: this legislation states that any adult over the age of 18 who are entitled and needs assistance from local authority, have the rights to have a full assessment of their needs and then should get provided with the services that is planned to meet those assessed needs. This is a needs lead assessment and not a service lead assessment, arranges funding for care to enable individual’s to live in their own home or in residential care. Where a care plan will be written up detailing the services provided and by whom, what they will achieve from this. The service user can request a review at any time if circumstance change, so the care plan can be changed accordingly. (Anon., 2010)

These three pieces of legislation are in place to promote anti-discriminatory practice, it protects both the service user and the support worker. With legislation being in place means that social care companies are held accountable and responsibilities to write and maintain policies and procedures, which have to comply with current legislation and provide a quality service. The company I work for have a specific set of policies and procedures to follow, such has health and safety, confidently, risk assessments, lone working, reviews, harm and abuse. I have a responsibility to read and to keep up to date with my company’s policies and procedures, in case they have been updated or changed.

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